Businesses in West Central Indiana enjoy a superior ground and air transportation network, access to a plentiful and skilled workforce, comprehensive education resources, established industrial and business parks and ample greenfield for development. Not to mention everything the area has to offer in quality of life - outdoor attractions, dining, entertainment and recreation.
INDUSTRYWest Central Indiana serves as a hub for the advanced manufacturing industry and is home to several established industrial parks with thousands of acres available for immediate use.
WORKFORCEWith an available workforce of more than 2,300 individuals looking for that next great employment opportunity, West Central Indiana has the manpower to support more jobs.
BUSINESSWest Central Indiana serves as home to many services necessary for business support and development, including a strong chamber and economic development corporation.
UTILITYLocated within close proximity to the asset, Duke Energy, Vectren and Indiana American Water all serve as top-rated utility partners in the community.
QUALITY OF PLACEA tourist destination, West Central Indiana offers a multitude of opportunities for entertainment, shopping, dining and outdoor recreation across Terre Haute and surrounding rural communities.
REGIONALISMEveryone benefits from a strong economy. In Terre Haute, Vigo County, and West Central Indiana, there is a spirit of cooperation. We work hard to take our community to the next level.